Well maybe that sounds a bit TMI but I have a ton of Photoshop Retouches to do and office work. Maybe at the end of the day Ill make it in to Nashville and organize Studio Daylight a bit. It's funny ya know. Photographer Norman Jean Roy named the studio when he worked out of Nashville. He gave it to me when he left and took off like a rocket to fame and fortune. The name stuck. Studio Daylight is for sure one of Nashville great photo studios. Great natural light. Some of the best Nashville photographers have worked out of Studio Daylight over the years. Many out of town photographers too. Back to the retouches. Here is a photo of me next to a portrait I did of the 2009 World Grand Champion Walking Horse El Nino.I had to make 7 giant prints to hang up all over Tennessee. There is one hanging at the State Capitol Builing in Downtown Nashville. Chromatics did a great
Job on the printing. This was the day we hung it up for display at TWHBEA. I hope I can take the portrait again this year.

photo taken by my bud Shawn Davie a very talented and up coming photographer and world travler.
Michael Gomez
-- Post From My iPhone
Hehe, by the title of this post, I expected to see a little more of Gomez than I had bargained for!