See top of blog. Deep thoughts time.
Have you ever walked into a totally dark room that you have never been in before and just knew that there was a light switch in there somewhere. The room is full of all sorts of crap that you have to step over and trip on to finally find the light switch. When you finally find it , you have stepped out of the room to get a break from the darkness and the unknown . You say OH ! YEH! Cauze you found out the switch was on outside of the door just before you went in. You just assumed it was on the inside of the room and to the right where most switches are found. Well that happened to me this past week but it was all in my head. I found the switch and the light is back on. I stepped into a dark place in my mind, and became angry at God. I was not really angry at "God", I was angry at the god that everyone else wants me to believe in. I don't know that god, the only God I know is the one that I have discovered for myself and come to believe in. Guess thats is why they call it a personal relationship. No matter how hard people try to explain what God means to them, one may never fully understand what the others really feel or what they are talking about. The only God you will ever know is the one you find inside yourself. So if you are angry at the god every one wants you to believe in and tells you about, you are just swinging in the dark and at something that is not there. You only know what you have come to experience about God and that will have to be good enough for everyone else. If you discover this truth , then you will discover that God then dwells in you. Yes, you are part of God and God you. Where does your brain end and your mind begin? Find the switch and discover for yourself the divine that you possess. Thank you Kyle Wyley for being a Buddy
"Where does your brain end and your mind begin..."
ReplyDeleteA great thought. Big and bold. I feel like I understand where you are coming from on all these "heavy" ideas. From our phone conversation the other day (ya know, the one long enough to kill your iPhone battery!), and the smaller sporadic conversations we dip into on the way to a shoot in the Rover, I think we probably see the divinity in existence unlike many other folks around here. Thanks for sharing this post. I look forward to really getting a bit deeper in it sometime soon.
That is beautifully said.